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50L Top Up Beads Virgin Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) beads (1 Bag)


Is your Bean Bag looking a little flat? Not quite as comfy as it used to be? No worries…you can bring your Bean Bag back to life with a top up of new beads and return your Bean Bag back to its comfy best!  Our top up beads are pure, virgin Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) beads, that are quality assured.
We provide you two different sizes of top up beads for your easy use:

50 Litre(s) Top Up beads
Approximately the size of a pillow bolster, this is a good size for a quick and easy top up of your beanbag that needs a little boost.

450 Litre(s) Top Up beads
For beanbags that need a large top up, this 450 Litre top up beads is approximately the size of your check in luggage.  This will fill up a regular sized* adult beanbag.



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